Winter Program 2014 // BOHEMiAN SYMPHONY

MiO Konzertflyer BOHEMiAN SYMPHONYThe theme of our winter concerts is BOHEMiAN SYMPHONY and will be centered around music written by Czech composers.


February 7, 2014 // 8:00pm // Maria-Ward Gymnasium, Munich

February 8, 2014 // 7:00pm // Maria-Ward Gymnasium, Munich


  • Bedrich Smetana: Die Moldau ("Vltava")
  • Bohuslav Martinu: Rhapsody-Concerto for viola and orchestra
  • Antonín Dvorák: Symphony No. 8 in G-Major

An introduction to the works will be given 45 minutes prior to the beginning of the concert.

Conductor // Christopher McMullen-Laird
Solo-Viola // Cornelius Mayer